The First Things To Teach Your Puppy


It might seem obvious to start teaching your puppy about bathroom habits or how to sit and stay as soon as the pup can pay attention for more than a few seconds. However, you might find yourself going around in circles if you don't teach your pooch the right way. Experts like those who do puppy training San Diego recommend you try these starter tips for more successful training.

  • Start by teaching your pup his or her name. Letting a dog know when you want attention is key to obedience
  • Reinforce calmness for more effective training sessions and a more peaceful household. Try petting or giving your pup a snack while he or she is relaxing to show that this is desirable behavior.
  • If your puppy is mouthy or grabby, reinforce that the dog has to do something to earn the treat, even if the action is as simple as waiting a few seconds before snacking.
  • Get some advice on puppy training in San Diego to tailor your routines to your dog's temperament.
Once your pup knows what to expect during training sessions, enforcing basic commands is easier. Dogs are naturally willing to please. Make sure you start by speaking the dog's language so both you and your pup end up feeling confident and enthusiastic about training sessions.


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